We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are international restrictions on some products.
You’ll see that domestic shipping rates are very reasonable, and all orders over $50 are shipped free. Within the USA you can expect to receive your order within a few days to a week from the date of your order (very rarely does it take longer). If you need expedited domestic shipping, please contact us.
Please note that international shipping charges are based on weight. It's therefore considerably more expensive to ship Kits and Activity Pack internationally relative to the flipbooks. Shipping times for international orders vary by country, but usually arrive within 1-3 weeks. Unfortunately, due to its unreliability, we cannot guarantee or offer refunds on international shipping.
You may return any new, unopened items (shrink-wrap and seals must be unopened) within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. You will be required to pay the return shipping cost.
If we have shipped you an incorrect or defective item, please contact us immediately and we will of course replace the item at no cost to you, as well as pay the return shipping cost of the item.